• User Help docs are available at: help.appointmentguru.co
    These are a static build generated from the data in the admin help docs
  • Admin help docs are available at agkb.appointmentguru.co
    This is the database-driven version of the site that is used to generate the static docs. 
    • You can log in to edit and manage documents at agkb.appointmentguru.co/admin/
      username: helpdesk (and the password from LastPass)
    • Note: changes made in admin will not reflect on the live site (they need to be published by christo), but you can preview them on the admin version of the site 

Tips for writing articles

  • Content supports markdown
  • Headings within your article should be h2 (e.g.: ##) 
    • Add a new # for each level of suheader 
  • A typical layout for an article is: 
    1. ## What we will achieve in this tutorial
    2. ## Steps to follow
    3. ## How it works
  • You don't have to use the above headings, but let's try keep it consistent if you need anything along those lines